NOCN Resource Pack 1
ISBN: 978-1-904111-03-0
Understanding community development work
Unit: Understanding Community Development Work
Level One: Mandatory. NOCN Unit Code EE31QQ004
Please note this is no longer available as an optional unit at Level Two
This pack is designed to support the Understanding Community Development Work National Open College Network (NOCN) unit at levels 1 and 2; it is a mandatory unit for the level 1 NOCN award.
This programme is aimed at people who are relatively new to community development work, or who may have been involved for some time with a community or voluntary group but would like to develop their
understanding of the wider world of community development.
It provides an introduction to some of the key issues in community development work. The programme looks at the key purpose of community development - what it is aiming to achieve - and explores the
values and principles upon which all good community development work is based.
It examines what we understand by the word 'community' and how to gather information about communities. Peoples' motivation for getting involved are examined along with the barriers that they can
face - particularly power issues within communities and groups.