Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

NOCN Resource Packs

All 17 of our NOCN Resource Packs are now available to download free of charge below.


Written By: Various


Summary: The newly revised Community Development National Occupational Standards, the new Qualifications and Credit Framework, and the current development of new CD training units means that the 18 FCDL resource packs for  the NOCN CD training programme will soon be out of date as specific tutor packs for the new units.

However, they are still very valuable resource packs in their own right and are full of creative activities, exercises and still relevant (mainly) information sections relating to the specific theme of each pack. They also provide a practical example of how to write session plans and develop learning programmes that have a good balance and mix of activities.


Seventeen resource packs have been produced by FCDL to complement the NOCN Community Development Work Programme. Each pack is designed to support the teaching of the module of the same name (or similar name), which can be built together to gain qualifications at levels 1, 2 and 3.

Each pack contains: Session Plans, Handouts, Exercises, Worksheets, Tutor prompt sheets and Reflective journal sheets for students to reflect on their work.

A pack represents three credits, which build to form a complete award. At each level there are three core modules which are mandatory for achieving the qualification. At levels 2 and 3 these can be mixed with other modules allowing students to specialise in the area of community development most relevant to themselves. See below for the list of packs. Please note: some topics can be delivered at several levels.

Each NOCN unit has a credit rating of three - equivalent to a notional 30 hours of learning. The packs are conveniently split into two hour slots of group based learning.


Click on the links below to download the packs as PDFs.

Further information about each pack and sample pages for packs 1 - 3 are also available.


Understanding Community Development Work
Adobe Acrobat document [540.9 KB]
Community Development Work Skills
Adobe Acrobat document [752.4 KB]

Further information on Pack 2

Sample Pages


Group Work Skills
Adobe Acrobat document [621.4 KB]

Further information on Pack 3

Sample Pages


Involving People
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]

Further information on Pack 4


Representing your Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Further information on Pack 5


Monitoring and Evaluation
Resource Pack 6.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [955.4 KB]

Further information on Pack 6


Developing Community Organisations
Adobe Acrobat document [892.7 KB]

Further information on Pack 7


Reflective Community Development Work Practice
Adobe Acrobat document [863.1 KB]

Further information on Pack 8


Effective Partnership Working
Adobe Acrobat document [937.7 KB]

Further information on Pack 9


Practice and Principles in Community Development Work
Adobe Acrobat document [995.2 KB]

Further information on Pack 10


Social Justice
Adobe Acrobat document [1'016.4 KB]

Further information on Pack 11


Planning for Community Groups
resource pack 12.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.6 MB]

Further information on Pack 12


Publicity Skills for Community Organisations
NOCN 13 Publicity skills.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.9 MB]

Further information on Pack 13


Identifying Needs in Communities
Resource Pack 14 Identifying Needs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]

Further information on Pack 14


Funding and Resources for Communiy Groups
Resource Pack 15 Funding.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.4 MB]
Community Development and Environmental Action
NOCN 17 CD and Env Action.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.2 MB]

Further information on Pack 17


Sustainable Communities
Resource Pack 18 Sustainable Communities[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.8 MB]

Further information on Pack 18


Feedback from trainers using these packs:

'The packs were used as a foundation, structure and refer point to developing a personalised course'


'The activities 'enabled the participants to learn new concepts in four stages through doing, reflecting, theory and then planning and how to implement it in the future. It also encompassed people's different learning styles.'


The Programme was developed out of an initial set of courses run by Salford Council for Voluntary Service, which were rewritten in order to map them to the revised National Occupational Standards for Community Development Work. FCDL, working with the co-operation of Salford CVS, has accredited the programme through South Yorkshire Open College Network.

FCDL has worked with the Open College Network to develop a National Community Development Award based on this programme. This is the first national community development award that uses the NOCN process. It adds to the growing number of qualifications and progression routes for community development workers, managers and activists. For further information on the national award, please contact FCDL or NOCN: www.nocn.org.uk.

These training materials are published by FCDL and available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

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Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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