Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Guide to Using the Community Development National Occupational Standards 2009 (CDNOS)

CDNOS Guide.pdf
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This guide offers a step-by-step approach to help organisations and individuals using the Community Development National Occupational Standards 2009 (CDNOS), through a range of functions and activities. 


The guide has been designed for you to access it at any point and start using the CDNOS straight away. It contains 12 main sections, each focusing on a different use for the CDNOS, but the list is not exhaustive, there are many other uses.


Each section explains how to use the CDNOS for a specific purpose following a common format. Using CDNOS to inform community development practice takes a methodical approach which eventually leads to embedding the process and the CDNOS themselves in day to day practice. This process starts with the overall ‘big picture’: the Definition of Community Development and its key purpose, the Key Values, Key Areas and the Standards, and then drills down into the detail within each Key Area in terms of knowledge, understanding and skills required.


Find out more about the current CDNOS 2015 here

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