Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Previous Publications

FREE Making Changes

making changes.doc
Microsoft Word document [571.5 KB]

Practice into Policy - A Strategic Framework for Community Development Learning in England


This Strategic Framework aims to support the development of learning and training opportunities needed by people and organisations involved in community regeneration. This learning is based on equity, social justice and genuine community involvement in decision-making processes that affect people's lives. A core theme of the Framework is the absolute improvement in the content and quality of training and learning opportunities for those with an interest and commitment to community involvement based on the values and principles of community development. Whatever level you are working at - local, regional or national - this Framework will be a tool to help develop community development learning strategies that are appropriate to diverse experiences and environments.



Ubuntu was a network of individual Black and minority ethnic practitioners and activists, networks and groups who shared an interest in promoting and delivering learning from Black perspectives on Community Development work. The following reports and leaflets can be downloaded below.

From 1st November to Ubuntu: A Journey for Black Perspectives
Ubuntu Report A journey for Black perspe[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [292.6 KB]
Defining Black Perspectives on Community Dvelopment Work
Microsoft Word document [54.5 KB]
Making the Connections Ubuntu Conference Report, June 2002
Microsoft Word document [201.5 KB]
Ubuntu Mission Statement
Microsoft Word document [55.0 KB]
Ubuntu Steering Group Terms of Reference
Microsoft Word document [54.0 KB]
Ubuntu Information Leaflet
Adobe Acrobat document [182.3 KB]

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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