By Dave Evans
This article was also circulated to members in the FCDL Update, July 2012.
The Endorsement and Quality Standards Board for Community Development Learning, ESB for short, has recently endorsed London Metropolitan University Foundation and Honours Degree programmes in
Community Development. These programmes have received a full 5 years unconditional endorsement highlighting the strength of the programme in relation to developing community development practice
based on National Occupational Standards for Community Development.
ESB is working with a housing association, London Metropolitan University and other people in London to develop different pathways for tenants and local activists into community development learning
and qualifications.
ESB has endorsed conditionally the Portsmouth University new unit on community development within its International Development Honours Degree. This will be delivered next year and then full
endorsement can be granted after a visit; ESB is also working with the university to develop a version of Recognition for its placements and exploring a joint application to the British Council to
support this work.
ESB has also been working with FCDL, and LSIS (Learning and Skills Improvement Service) to contribute to potential bids to BIS/UKCES. One is to the Growth and Innovation Fund to develop a Community
Development Workforce development Strategy, and one will be to the second round of the EOS Employer Ownership of Skills programme. This would lead to innovative models of employer led community
development learning opportunities around the country. ESB will work with partners to develop the unpaid and paid workforce through its Endorsement processes, quality assurance advice and Recognition
ESB has been successful in its bid to Grundtvig to share community development learning across 9 countries in Europe, we are waiting for our last partner to hear about their application and then the
project will start in September. ESB will be contributing its learning around Recognition.
More information about ESB can be found here: