Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Creating Changes Training - Further Information

Creating Changes is a project offering free community development training to a wide range of local support and development organisations, so that they can improve their practice in supporting small groups and networks.


The courses are mainly aimed at community activists and paid and unpaid workers who, within their ongoing roles, support the learning, development and actions of small groups and networks and who are interested in developing their skills, knowledge and understanding of how to use participative approaches in facilitating informal community development learning as part of such work. Workers do not need to be generic Community Development Workers.


Course E, Supporting and Managing Community Development, is specifically aimed at managers or supervisors who are responsible for supporting and supervising Community Development approaches, through managing workers or teams of people who support small community groups as part of their ongoing unpaid or paid roles.


This project is not targeted at statutory/private sector employees but some places may be available for a small charge of £25 if there are places available. Priority will be given to free places for community and voluntary sector participants.


If you are interested in discussing the possibility of a training course to be run in your area (has to be England and the participants have to fit the criteria described above), please do get in touch with FCDL on 0770, Email: .


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Current FREE Creating Changes training events

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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