Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Menu of Courses

Creating Changes is a project offering free community developmen training to a wide range of local support and development organisations, so that they can improve their practice in supporting small groups and networks.


The courses are mainly aimed at community activists and paid and unpaid workers who, within their ongoing roles, support the learning, development and actions of small groups and networks and who are interested in developing their skills, knowledge and understanding of how to use participative approaches in facilitating informal community development learning as part of such work. Workers do not need to be generic Community Development Workers.


Participative Facilitation Methods for Working with Community Groups
FREE two day training course      Course Code A

Course aims:
This course will introduce creative facilitation approaches to support the development of small community groups through creative and participatory facilitation. Facilitation here is taken to express the process of helping the ongoing learning and development of community groups through a wide range of informal community development methods.

This course will include exploring how to use visual art, drama, games and other creative approaches to support learning within the ongoing group work activities rather than just through workshop type events


Introduction to Planning and Delivering Community Development Training
FREE two day unaccredited training course      Course Code B

Course aims:
This course offers the opportunity for course participants to develop an awareness of participatory and inclusive methods of planning, delivering and evaluating short Community Development taster sessions.


Supporting Group Work and Policy Engagement
FREE one day training course      Course Code D

Course aims:
This course will offer the opportunity for course participants to develop an awareness of how to support community groups in identifying their own needs, in order to take actions and influence the decisions that affect the quality of the lives of the communities they are part of.


Supporting and Managing Community Development
FREE one day training course      Course Code E

Course aims:
This course will enable managers and supervisors to critically explore the opportunities, tensions and challenges of supporting and managing Community Development practice.


Creating Materials for Working with Community Groups
FREE one day training course      Course Code F

Course aims:
This course will offer the opportunity for course participants to develop learning resources whilst supporting the development and actions of community groups.


Community Organising through Inclusive Collective Action
FREE one day training course      Course Code G
Course aims:
This course will support participants to identify and promote approaches to communities organising that address imbalances in power and bring about change founded on social justice, equality and inclusion. In taking part in this course you will be able to reflect on the various ways of organising that encourages participation by wider community members and groups.


Community Development Approaches to Supporting Governance in Small Groups
FREE one day training course      Course Code H

Course aims:
This course aims to support people working with community groups to use community development approaches to inclusive and accountable governance. You will be able to underpin your work with community development practice by encouraging the use of participative democratic methods.


Supporting Small Groups to Do Community Led Research
FREE one day training course      Course Code I

Course aims:
This course will encourage participants use community development methods to work with community groups who are interested in carrying out participative community research.  During this course we will explore methods that promote social justice, equality and inclusion. In taking part in this course you will be able to reflect on the various ways of carrying out inclusive research led by community members and groups.

More information on Creating Changes training

Current FREE Creating Changes training events

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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