Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Working With and Within Communities: A Workforce Strategy Connecting Community Development Practice

A workforce strategy connecting community development practice would make sure that the needs of communities can be met through committed, diverse, reflective, skilled and knowledgeable unpaid and paid activists, volunteers and staff.

We are keen to bring together a broad picture of the starting points of organisations who are interested in being partners or allies in delivering or supporting work with and within communities.

Responses gathered from our survey, carried out earlier in 2013, will support a much needed workforce strategy across different settings and contexts around community development practice in England.

We respect and hope to reflect unpaid and paid work using community development practice across a range of themes and policy areas.
We will provide information on the survey results here on our website.

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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