Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Planning and Evaluation Framework for Community Development


We are delighted to be able to present a draft version of a rationale outlining how to use the CDNOS to help evaluate CD work and reflect on the role of the CD practitioner, and and an illustration of how this can be done. Both documents can be downloaded below.


This work, initiated by Community Development Exchange (CDX), Community Development Foundation (CDF), Federation for Community Development Learning (FCDL), Groundwork (GW), has been in progress since 2009.


We have piloted the rationale and framework with the wider field of Community Development.


We asked for consideration of the following when reading/piloting these documents:

  1. Please comment on any changes you would like to see
  2. Point out any potential need for adapting the content for particular scenarios
  3. What worked?
  4. What did not work?
  5. Does this framework tie into any existing frameworks/indicators that you are already using?


Thank you to those of you who have provided feedback on this work.

CDNOS evaluation framework rationale.doc
Microsoft Word document [401.0 KB]
CDNOS evaluation framework steps.doc
Microsoft Word document [504.0 KB]

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Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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