Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Learners' Stories

Communities ARC – Action, Reflection and Change  


This project has been funded by the Skills Funding Agency


In this section we have included case stories using the learners' own words to provide pictures of the learning journeys they each experienced as part of the project. Each of the stories below provide snapshots of different aspects of CARC delivery across the different regions.


Included below is Sara Tekle's story, who took part in and contributed to the programme of events coordinated by Maan. The story of Ram’s experiences during the project gives a little insight into the North East setting. MRSN have provided us with two contrasting stories of change and development. Each learner has their unique starting point and personal learning goals.

Irfan Syed
Irfan Syed CARC ICDL case story.doc
Microsoft Word document [214.0 KB]
Ram CARC ICDL case story.doc
Microsoft Word document [97.0 KB]
Sara Tekle
Sara Tekle CARC ICDL case story.doc
Microsoft Word document [222.5 KB]
Tendayi Madzunzu
Tendayi Madzunzu case stories.doc
Microsoft Word document [319.0 KB]

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Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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