Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Communities ARC - Action, Reflection and Change

Our recent project, Communities Action, Reflection and Change (Communities ARC), was funded from the new Adult and Community Learning Fund, from the Skills Funding Agency and managed by NIACE, and contributed to the Government’s aspirations for Informal Adult and Community Learning.

Communities ARC Summary Report
Communities ARC publication summary.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [312.8 KB]

Click on the link above to download the Summary Report of this very successful project, delivered between September 2011 - April 2012 in partnership with the following organisations (click below for details of each one):

Maan Somali Mental Health Sheffield

Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN)

Sunderland Black and Minority Ethnic Network

Northern College

The project involved community members in exploring links between community development learning and community action and participatory citizenship; increased understanding and capacity for taking action around social and environmental justice, individual and community well-being, and celebrated the strengths and cultural wealth within diverse and marginalised communities.


Snapshots of community action & community learning

Click here to read about the community action and learning that took place throughout the Communities ARC project, told by the people who were part of it


MRSN Workshops


Brief write-ups of the workshops held as part of the project can be download here.


Social Return On Investment

FCDL was also selected to implement Social Return On Investment (SROI) to the project. SROI is a framework for measuring and accounting for the outcomes of the projects and activities. It covers all types of outcomes including social, economic, environment and personal. The model of SROI we used in this project is the Cabinet Office sponsored model of assessing social and economic value. It was developed in 2008 by a consortium of the SROI Network, NEF (the New Economics Foundation), the Charities Evaluation Services, the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and the New Philanthropy Council. It was also supported by the Scottish Government 

Project in a Box

Activities, learning materials and guides created (or modified) for use in the CARC project enabled FCDL and partners to test out ideas around using community development approaches in supporting community learning from shared experiences. Read more about Project in a Box here.

Eritrean Community Health Event


The evaluation report for this event can be downloaded here.

Eritrean Community Health Event- Evaluat[...]
Microsoft Word document [763.5 KB]

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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