In these difficult times it is crucial that CD workers and activists come together to promote the community development movement publicly and support each other. If you want to join with us and run an event or just receive more information then please contact us.
Download the documents above to find out more about the campaign, and why local activists and facilitators are needed.
John Stevens 07758837511
Jonathan Hyams
FCDL is pleased and proud to be one of the initiators of this Campaign, in partnership with the regional Community Development networks, CDX, and the National Coalition for Independent Action (NCIA). The Campaign was launched early March at the Reading International Solidarity Centre and was well attended by both CD practitioners in the South-East and others from as far away as Glasgow and the North East. FDCL was well represented by Management Group, staff team and members, and several of us spoke and ran workshops. Since then London Community Development Network has held a meeting which discussed the Campaign, the CD national occupational standards, independent action and the links between all three. There was also a representative at the London meeting from the Campaign in Defence of Youth Work and there is potential to work together.
The Campaign for Community Development will be inseparably linked to campaigns against the cuts and support for the struggles of communities. It goes far broader than recognition for Community Development and against the community development job losses that are already taking place.