Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning


The work of the Federation for Community Development Learning (FCDL) is underpinned by the Community Development National Occupational Standards and informed by theories relevant to Community Development.


In any project we do, we reflect these standards, even though we are depending on external funding to sustain ourselves and our work.
We deliver some of the projects directly ourselves, but often we support our members, associates and allies to be the delivery partners, as they have the reach, to community groups and organisatons who benefit from the work.


The direct work with community groups and organisations is crucial for us, as it helps informing us about relevant needs, and what we can best do to support and take any learning forward. We do this in colloaboration with partners and project participants, to ensure that this learning is shared to a wide range of actors, on local, regional and national level. The direct result is that we have a vast amount of knowledge that we can help to feed into policy, our own strategies and inform the development of training resources and tools relevant to the field of Community Development practitioners.

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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