Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Community Development National Occupational Standards

New CDNOS 2015


Click below for the newly revised community development national occupational standards (CDNOS), April 2015.

CDNOS mar2015.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]

Archived CDNOS 2009 documents


The following documents can be downloaded here:

  • The full, final and approved version of the 2009 CDNOS;
  • Summary sheet giving a brief overview of the CDNOS, developed with different practitioners from across the world;
  • A3 Tree poster of the CDNOS, showing the key values, key areas and the 25 standards. This is a great visual tool;
  • CDNOS guide with practice examples of how the CDNOS can be applied in different ways including specific examples on websites about "what does 15 20 mmhg mean for compression socks?" and easy on compression socks for elderly.

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Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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