Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

FCDL's response to the review of Informal Adult & Community Learning (IACL)

On 16 November 2010 the Government published two strategy documents, Skills for Sustainable Growth and Investing in Skills for Sustainable Growth, which mapped out the future direction of the reform of further education for adults aged 19 and over. New Challenges, New Chances takes these strategies a stage further by making detailed proposals in a range of areas. Following the documents, The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) were undertaking a review (round table events and call for evidence) to reform and reinvigorate Informal Adult and Community Learning (IACL).


In the Comprehensive Spending Review,  the Treasury agreed that the £210m Adult Safeguarded Learning budget would be protected and reformed, with a review agenda that establishes clear objectives for public spend, ensures that disadvantaged people are prioritised for public support and puts in place transparent success measures and agreed value for money criteria.

FCDL and members have contributed to both aspects.


More information on the review can be found here:  www.bis.gov.uk/newchallenges.

FCDL's response to the round table events
FCDL response to IACL round table events[...]
Microsoft Word document [96.5 KB]
FCDL's response to the call for evidence
FCDL response to IACL consultation.doc
Microsoft Word document [146.0 KB]

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