Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Reviewing the CD NOS, 13 November 2014, London

Reviewing the Community Development National Occupational Standards (CDNOS)

Phase 2: the revised draft

FCDL event supported by London Metropolitan University


Date: Thursday 13 November 2014

Place: London Metropolitan University, GC1-08, Graduate Centre, North Campus, 166-220 Holloway Road, N7 8DB


FCDL is working with partners across the UK to review the Community Development National Occupational Standards (CDNOS). The standards describe what a person needs to do, know and understand to carry out good quality community development practice, and they can be used in many ways. The first phase of the review went well, and there is a draft set of revised CD NOS  ready for consultation.  Are the revised CD standards easier to use and understand and a more powerful tool for supporting communities? This event was for anybody who is involved in community development practice, in any setting or role.

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