Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

BIS and TSNLA Conference: Funding for Delivering Quality Learning and Skills to Support Social Change

Conference Programme
BIS TSNLA Conference 26 Nov 2013 program[...]
Microsoft Word document [13.6 KB]

Tuesday 26 November 2013, London


This key event was sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and jointly led with the Third Sector National Learning Alliance.


The event was opened by the Minister for Skills Matthew Hancock.


The development of learning and skills is increasingly recognised as having a major influence in people’s lives: increasing employability, building confidence, enhancing potential to manage and direct lives in ways which improve health and wellbeing on both individual and collective levels.


The conference featured significant inputs from both Big Lottery, the Office for Civil Society and the Federation for Community Development Learning.


The aims for the conference were:

  • To deepen participants' awareness of Big Lottery’s current priorities and trends in funding
  • To strengthen the ability to produce a strong application to Big Lottery
  • To demonstrate the delivery of quality learning and skills on the ground and the impact of such learning
  • To make participants more aware of the roles of the Office for Civil Society in supporting the voluntary and community sector in accessing funding to fulfill the mission
  • To connect learning and skills policy with both funding developments and practice in localities

Places are limited to 40 and so early booking is recommended. BIS is able to pay travel expenses where organisations have no budget for this.

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Federation for Community Development Learning
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