Federation for Community Development Learning
Federation for Community Development Learning

Mission Statement and Strategic Objectives

Mission statement

FCDL believes community development work addresses inequalities and promotes social justice by building cohesive, sustainable and thriving communities through the active engagement and empowerment of communities, including the most marginalised.

FCDL contributes to effective community engagement by developing the national infrastructure for learning for all those involved, including individual community members, community organisations, community workers, councillors, policy makers and a wide range of professionals undertaking community engagement and partnership working.

FCDL aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of community development work through promoting quality community development learning and qualifications based on the values and principles of community development as reflected in the national occupation standards.

Through our local and regional members and networks we support the delivery of a wide range of learning and training programmes that empower communities and professional workers to effectively engage in local governance structures in order to deliver local priorities.

Strategic Objectives

1. FCDL will improve the quality and effectiveness of community development  by delivering community development learning and supporting others to do the same.

2. FCDL aims to create a political and professional environment that promotes effective value driven community development through learning

3. FCDL aims to be an effective and sustainable organisation.

What do we do?

Click here to view a brief summary of our main areas of work.

Get in touch

Federation for Community Development Learning
11 Paradise Street

Sheffield S2 3DF



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