FCDL is fortunate to have a committed and effective Management Group, who is reflecting our membership’s wide range of skills and experiences and who is part of steering the organisation towards a
successful and sustainable future. The work of the Management Group, is mainly to inform and contribute to the work that we undertake as a strategic organisation and support the impressive range and
depth of our work. This is partly done in subgroups, specialising in key themes.
Members of the Management Group are elected at our Annual General Meeting, and are elected to be on the management group for a period of up to 3 years.
The Management Group holds officer roles, such as chair, co-chair, secretary and treasurer. Every year we encourage members who want to be more involved in the management group to either be elected
onto the management group or to be co-opted.
Our current Management Group members were elected at our latest Annual General Meeting on 4th December 2013.
See Article 3 of the constitution for details of how the management group operates - download the Constitution using the link at the top of this page.